Our Services

Academic Support

504, IEP, and everything in between. Highly skilled and experienced advocate to support students and families. Coming soon; we will offer comprehensive assessments for students both within and outside of the school environment. Our assessments cover a range of areas including academic progress, personal behavior, and social-emotional development.

Social Emotional Services

Our team of skilled professionals incorporates evidence-based techniques to help individuals navigate personal challenges, promote self-awareness, and build resilience. We strive to create a positive impact on our clients' lives, empowering them to thrive and achieve their full potential. Our team also provides Behavior Coaching and Behavior Consultation sessions for PK-12

School Support

We provide training and workshops for educators and students. In areas of Self Care, Classroom Management, Trauma Informed Care, Communication, and more. More information to come soon! In the meantime, you can email admin@develovedco.com with your questions.